Wednesday, 30 April 2014


I love food.  I love eating.  I especially love it when I get it 'right' and eat food that makes me feel fantastic.

Taking a yogic approach to life also means looking at your diet and making conscious food choices for your body.  Being vegetarian or vegan is not necessary, although in some yogic and Tantric traditions it is important.  However, taking an ethical approach to your food is important.
What is very important is eating the food that is right for your individual body.  No one else can really tell you what you should or shouldn't eat.  It's up to you to develop your own awareness of how different foods affect your body, and then choose to eat the ones that enrich your overall health the most.  Food is medicine! 

My absolute favorite foodie and recipe book author is Lola Berry.  I am completely in love with her recipes which are super healthy and seem to suit my body really well.  They use whole, unprocessed food and are a bit different from the 'ordinary'.  And very, very yummy.  

Taking the time to source these foods means going to a good supermarket or market and hunting around a bit (wake up your inner hunter-gatherer!).  This can be a bit of a pain if you're like me and live 1/2 an hour away from real food shops, but is totally worth it.
Anything that results in your body feeling awesome is worth it.  Enjoy your food!

Here is a link to Lola Berry's website.  Lots of yum recipes here!  Lola Berry

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Wisdom from Sri Swami Satyananda.

 Swami Satyananda Wisdom - Discovered this on youtube.  Big Love.  Beautiful.

Coming up at "Inner Journeys' Metaphysics Centre.



Kirtan is awesome fun.  It's an easy way to open your heart and get the inner joy flowing.  It's also an amazing way of letting go of your inhibitions and just singing and chanting for the pure enjoyment of it.

"An afternoon of singing easy to follow chants from the yoga tradition. Chanting allows us to release the stress of blocked emotional inner tensions and create a sense of liberation and, not forgetting,  fun.  A yogic practice that requires no effort but to let go and enjoy an  uplift in consciousness and share in the expansion of the group energy. No experience or singing skills necessary."

SUNDAY  22nd JUNE : 2.30 - 4.30pm.  

. Please bring a plate of vegetarian food to share following the chanting.
A variety of teas are supplied
A gold coin donation is requested

SIBA RETREAT in East Gippsland

Wow, I was so lucky to visit SIBA twice in a fortnight!  This is a beautiful Buddhist retreat set in the stunning surrounds of mountains and forest.  I thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is looking to obtain a sense of inner calm and wellbeing.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Yoga Lineage

Yoga in the world today is often described as 'the yoga tree'.  At the centre is the trunk, the solid core and tradition of yoga.  It's roots stem deep into the ancient earth with its ancient philosophy and wisdom.  Thick branches stem from the trunk, leading to thinner branches, twigs and leaves. Some of them intertwine and grow together.  Others grow in completely different directions.  That is why we have everything from devout practitioners retreating to meditate for months in remote caves to flashy, trendy yoga practiced to a background of hip hop and pop music.

Yoga Lineage flow chart  Here is a great visual description of yoga lineages.  It helps to have a picture of where your yoga is coming from, and which branch of the yoga tree you're sitting on.

Here is another great link.  Krishnamacharya's Legacy is a fantastic article by Fernando Pages Ruiz, published in yoga journal.  In fact, is an amazing yoga resource and has hundreds of good quality articles to help deepen your understanding of yoga practice and philosophy.  It is one of my favourite resources.